Grieving and Bereavement
Wednesday, July 28th, 2010How do you minister to someone who has lost a friend or loved one? How do you cope when you have lost a friend or loved one? Bereavement may be quite burdensome because of the intensity of grief and the extensiveness of mourning. In order to more effectively minister to those who are bereaved, and to cope more effectively with bereavement ourselves, we must first understand the dynamics of grieving-mourning. Admittedly, most people do not understand grieving-mourning, and thus are ill-prepared to cope with it. In this paper I will address, first, understanding grieving-mourning and, second, treating grieving-mourning. A. Understanding…
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Three Foundational Spiritual Disciplines
Tuesday, July 27th, 2010In considering the spiritual disciplines by which the worship of God and the fellowship with God may be facilitated and achieved, the focus centres on the private disciplines (e.g., meditation), rather than on the public ones (e.g. observing the Lord’s Table, congregational singing, corporate Bible study, etc.). The public disciplines certainly contribute to transforming the heart; but, for our purposes, I want to concentrate on the believer’s personal pursuit of the personal presence of God; that which the believer can undertake freely, and independent of corporate expectations and regulations, in keeping with the spirit of Psalm 63:1,2, “O God, Thou…
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